Current Rates as of March 15, 2025.  Rates are subject to change*

Duke Credit Union is dedicated to providing our members with a full range of quality, convenient financial services at competitive prices.

Account Type Minimum Dividend APY¹ 
Savings $25 0.20% 0.20%
Rainy Day Share $1 0.24% 0.24%
Club Accounts² $1 0.20% 0.20%
Second Share $1 0.20% 0.20%
Money Market $500 1.00% 1.01%

*Rates are subject to change. 

1  APY= Annual Percentage Yield

2  Early withdrawals are subject to loss of dividends up to 90 days.  A $5 fee will be assessed for each early withdrawal prior to October of each year

For Additional Information Contact Member Services (919) 684-6704.

*NOTE: All deposit accounts are variable rate accounts. Rate changes are made solely at the discretion of the Credit Union Board of Directors. Dividends may not be paid in excess of current earnings. Dividends are calculated on the average daily balance.  

This information is designed to comply with the Truth-In-Savings Act when combined with membership disclosures, rate and fee schedule and the general credit brochure.

Please note all fees will be assessed at the time of service or deducted from your account.  If the balance is insufficient, you will be notified to pay the required fee.  Duke Credit Union may charge any of your accounts for any fee due.  Any fees assessed to Duke Credit Union for extra service or special handling will be passed on to you.  We reserve the right to change the fee schedule at any time.  We will notify you of any changes or charges imposed on an account in the normal course of business, but may not notify you of charges for extraordinary services furnished at your specific request.  

Account Type Minimum Dividend APY³
Share Certificate¹
6-12 month term
$500 4.00% 4.08%
Share Certificate¹
13-24 month term
$500 3.50% 3.56%
Share Certificate¹
25-36 month term
$500 3.00% 3.05%
IRA Certificate²
6-12 month term
$500 4.00% 4.08%
IRA Certificate²
13-24 month term
$500 3.50% 3.56%
IRA Certificate²
25-36 month term
$500 3.00% 3.05%

1  Early withdrawals are subject to loss of dividends up to 90 days

2  Penalty for early withdrawal, unless 59 1/2

3  APY= Annual Percentage Yield

For Additional Information Contact Member Services (919) 684-6704

NOTE: All deposit accounts are variable rate accounts. Rate changes are made solely at the discretion of the Credit Union Board of Directors. Dividends may not be paid in excess of current earnings. Dividends are calculated on the average daily balance.

Certificate rates are fixed for the certificate term. Certificates are automatically renewed at the current rate on the maturity date unless prior notice is given. If certificate dividends are withdrawn monthly, the Annual Percentage Yield will be the same as the Annual Percentage Rate.  Early withdrawals on Share and IRA Certificates are subject to loss of dividends up to 90 days (for exceptions see disclosures).

This information is designed to comply with the Truth-In-Savings Act when combined with the membership disclosures, the rate and fee schedule and the general credit brochure.

Please note all fees will be assessed at the time of service or deducted from your account.  If the balance is insufficient, you will be notified to pay the required fee.  Duke Credit Union may charge any of your accounts for any fee due.  Any fees assessed to Duke Credit Union for extra service or special handling will be passed on to you.  We reserve the right to change the fee schedule at any time.  We will notify you of any changes or charges imposed on an account in the normal course of business, but may not notify you of charges for extraordinary services furnished at your specific request.  

Account Type APR¹ Disclosures
8 Years Old or Newer

5.50% - 16.00%
9.50% - 18.00%
5.50% APR¹ is available on auto loans 60 months or less and are subject to member qualifications and creditworthiness.  Longer terms are available at slightly higher rates.  All rates are subject to change and to creditworthiness.

Line of Credit/Overdraft Protection
10.00% - 18.00%
Discount rates do not apply;  minimum rates 8.00%, 10.00%, 12.00%, 14.00% and 16.00% APR
Personal Loan
9.50% - 18.00%


7.15% - 13.00%
8.15% - 14.00%

Boats Defined as 2nd Home 7.15% - 9.15%

Mobile Home
With Land - New
With Land - Used
Without Land - New
Without Land - Used

7.15% - 10.15%
8.15% - 11.15%
7.15% - 13.00%
7.15% - 13.00%

Undeveloped Bare Land
8.65% - 9.15%

Share Secured Loan 3% Over Share Rate Variable Rates.  Discount rates do not apply; minimum rates apply.   
Money Market Secured Loan 3% Over Money Market Rate Term based on amount financed.  Discount rates do not apply; minimum rates apply. 
Certificate Secured Loan 3% Over Certificate Rate Term based on amount financed.  Discount rates do not apply; minimum rates apply. 

*Rates based on approved credit rating.  Rates subject to change without notice.

1 APR= Annual Percentage Rate.  All rates include .25% discount for automatic payments or payroll deduction. 

For Additional Information Contact Member Services (919) 684-6704.

This information is designed to comply with the Truth-In-Savings Act when combined with membership disclosures, the rate and fee schedule and the general credit brochure.

Please note all fees will be assessed at the time of service or deducted from your account.  If the balance is insufficient, you will be notified to pay the required fee.  Duke Credit Union may charge any of your accounts for any fee due.  Any fees assessed to Duke Credit Union for extra service or special handling will be passed on to you.  We reserve the right to change the fee schedule at any time.  We will notify you of any changes or charges imposed on an account in the normal course of business, but may not notify you of charges for extraordinary services furnished at your specific request.  

Account Type APR¹ Disclosures
Classic VISA® Credit Card 10.90%  - 13.90%

Platinum VISA® Credit Card 9.90%

Share Secured VISA® Credit Card 8.50% Shared Secured VISA® requires a 115% pledge of the loan amount.

*Rates based on approved credit rating.  Rates subject to change without notice.

1 APR= Annual Percentage Rate

For Additional Information Contact Member Services (919) 684-6704.

This information is designed to comply with the Truth-In-Savings Act when combined with membership disclosures, the rate and fee schedule and the general credit brochure.

Please note all fees will be assessed at the time of service or deducted from your account.  If the balance is insufficient, you will be notified to pay the required fee.  Duke Credit Union may charge any of your accounts for any fee due.  Any fees assessed to Duke Credit Union for extra service or special handling will be passed on to you.  We reserve the right to change the fee schedule at any time.  We will notify you of any changes or charges imposed on an account in the normal course of business, but may not notify you of charges for extraordinary services furnished at your specific request.