Take control of your student loan repayment by refinancing with Duke Credit Union! You'll be able to refinance and consolidate your private and federal student loans (including PLUS loans) into one manageable loan, setting up one convenient payment, and potentially lowering your rate1. Featuring a competitive interest rate and zero origination fees, our refinance loan can help you simplify your life while amplifying your funds.
Contact Student Choice to determine the right loan product for you!
(844) 858-0021 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).
- Refinancing available up to $75,000
- Competitive interest rates
- Flexible repayment terms to fit your needs
(view our rates page for more information, repayment examples, and important disclosures) - No origination fees or prepayment penalties
- Borrow from a not-for-profit credit union you can trust
1. Subject to credit qualification and additional criteria, including graduating from an approved school.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: By refinancing federal student loans, you may lose certain borrower benefits from your original loans. These may include interest rate discounts, principal rebates, or some cancellation benefits that can significantly reduce the cost of repaying your loans.